The 16th International Conference on Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophy (DMD/BMD), organized by Parent Project – the association created by parents of boys living with this disease –  will be held from 17th to 18th February, 2018 at the Ergife Palace Hotel in Rome.

On february 16 will be held some breakout sessions directed to families. These will be led only in Italian.

The Conference is a key moment for the families living with  DMD/BMD and for the entire Duchenne and Becker international community, made of doctors, researchers, companies who dedicate their professional commitment to the search of a cure and therapies.

Over 600 people from Italy and the world gather on this occasion to learn about the latest advances in the research on the disease; the event also represents an invaluable opportunity for meeting and sharing experiences and information between patients, family members and experts.

Registration form
Download the agenda